Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Petani Tambak Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos) di Dusun Sungai Mas Desa Sebatuan Kecamatan Pemangkat
Factors That Affect Farmer’s Income Milkfish Fish Pond (Chanos chanos) In Sungai Mas Hamlet, Sebatuan Village Pemangkat Sub-District
This research aims to find out how much the business revenue Pond milkfish in a single production and know the factors that affect the income of farmers Pond milkfish in hamlet Sungai Mas village Sebatuan Pemangkat District. This research uses quantitative descriptive research methods because the implementation includes data, analysis, and interachievements about the meaning of data obtained, data used primary and secondary data. There were 45 samples in this study than in the use of SPSS 25 and in analysis using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of this research show the largest income of farmers in the Hamlet Sungai Mas, Sebatuan village in one production is Rp. 46.781.493, and the smallest is Rp. 4.553.160. and based on the results of SPSS showed that the variable labor, land area and capital is positive and significant to the income of farmers Pond milkfish in Hamlet Sungai Mas, Sebatuan village, District Pemangkat.
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