Cocoghurt is a fermented drink made from coconut milk sediment. This study aims to analyze the microbial test on cocogurt drink. In this study the tests carried out were salmonella, coliform, escherichia coli, and bacillus tests using the Most Likely Number (APM) method in accordance with SNI 01-2897-1992, in addition to this test using a presumptive test approach or estimation and confirmation or confirmation with using liquid media in test tubes and carried out based on the number of positive tubes. Samples that were confirmed positive could be seen by the appearance of gas in the Durham tube and the bacillus test was carried out by observing using a binocular microscope with two temperature treatments, namely 400 C and 40 C. The Coliform and E. coli tests that had been carried out showed that the cocoghurt contained coliform bacteria contamination. of <3 APM/g and Escherichia coli of <3 APM/g. The amount of contaminants from the microbial test results is within the safe limit of the Indonesian National Standard for fermented beverages.