Bengkala Village is known as an inclusive village for the deaf and mute community, with approximately 1.5%
of its population being individuals with kolok disabilities. The majority of the kolok community members belong to the
Poor Household Group, with an average monthly family income of Rp.1,448,000. Some of the challenges faced include
low basic literacy and numeracy skills, limited entrepreneurial competence, digital literacy, and life skills, lack of
appreciation for arts and culture, as well as high rates of early marriage. In addressing these issues, a solution is
proposed, namely the Lentera Edukasi Life skills program for the Inclusive Kolok Women's Community in Bengkala
Village. This program aims to enhance women's knowledge, attitudes, and skills related to literacy and numeracy, art
appreciation, health, life skills, and information technology proficiency. The implementation of this Student Affairs
(PPK) Ormawa uses the PALS method, which consists of awareness-raising, capacity-building, mentoring, and
institutionalization stages. The target community groups are the inclusive kolok women in Bengkala Village, divided
into two study groups. Activities include seminars, training, and workshops, with reference to the CREAM quality
standard success indicators.The outcomes of this program include soft skills development books, curriculum, syllabi,
teaching materials, as well as scientific publications and mass media publications. Thus, this program is expected to
make a positive contribution to improving the quality of life and skills of inclusive kolok women in Bengkala Village.
Keywords: PPK Ormawa, Bengkala Village, women's kolok, Education, Training
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Copyright (c) 2024 I Wayan Sugihartha, I Nengah Edi Budiarta, Ni Puti Devi Kristina, Kadek Sinta Kristiani, I Ketut Satria Ardana

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