Merdekawatidewhi.08@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Nekton </strong>is a journal of applied and scientific publications covering the fields of fisheries and marine affairs managed by the Fisheries and Marine Agribusiness Study Program. The publisher of this journal is the Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyakarakat (PPPM) Politeknik Negeri Sambas. The editorial team accepts articles/manuscripts from academics (lecturers and students), researchers, and practitioners in Indonesian (recommended) and English (British or American Style). The Nekton journal has been accredited <strong>SINTA 4</strong> based on letter 177/E/KPT/2024 dated October 15 2024 concerning the Accreditation Rating of Scientific Journals for Period II of 2024.</p> growth using maggot supplementary feed in Sambas sub-district2024-10-31T18:34:33+00:00Saifullah Istiqamahinonkistiqamah@gmail.comUlia<p>Feed is the largest aspect of cost expenditure in the operation of aquaculture activities. One commodity that is widely cultivated is catfish, which is easy to adapt, easy to maintain, and has a faster harvest time. The purpose of this study was to analyze the cost savings of catfish enlargement feed using supplementary Magot feed. Catfish enlargement business with a stocking amount of 3000 tails for Mr. Joko and 2000 tails for Mr. Munazi with a percentage of feed expenditure, namely 62% for Mr. Munazi and 55% for Mr. Joko. Both of them provide additional magot feed resulting in a profit of 1,075,000 IDR, for Mr. Munazi and for Mr. Joko of 2,040,000 IDR, with an R / C ratio value of Mr. Munazi 1.326 > 1 and Mr. Joko 1.463 > 1 so that their business is feasible to run. And can save costs for the procurement of pellets amounting to 1,260,000 IDR, and Mr. Joko 1,600,000 IDR or 38% for Mr. Munazi and 45% for Mr. Joko when compared to using 100% pellets.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Saifullah Saifullah, Nur Istiqamah, Ulia Sari goldfish hatchery of the oranda variety Carassius auratus to improve cultivation performance at BSD fish farm2024-10-31T18:34:32+00:00Andri Haris Nurfauziharisfauzi120500@gmail.comOdang Eny<p>The business of cultivating ornamental fish is quite popular because its sales are profitable for cultivators. Ornamental fish also have attractive colors; therefore, many people are interested in this commodity. One ornamental fish commodity that is in great demand is the oranda goldfish Carassius auratus, which has a variety of colors, unique movements, and body shapes. The annual increase in market demand for oranda goldfish reaches 95,000 fish annually, and each year, there is an increase in the production of 3,000 fish of around 3% each year. This study was carried out in an effort to explore technical information on goldfish cultivation so that the information obtained can be disseminated widely and used as a reference source for the community so that it will add value to the benefit of improving sustainable welfare. The results of the study show that the technique of spawning oranda goldfish can be performed naturally using a substrate in the form of a water hyacinth. The average fecundity produced by one female parent oranda goldfish was 6429 eggs, with a presentation hatching rate of 74% and a presentation survival rate of 64%.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Andri Iskandar, Eka Haris Nurfauzi, Odang Carman, Cecilia Eny Indriastuti, Budyansah Siregar of carbon dioxide gases (CO2) in the mangrove soil of Passo Village, Ambon City2024-10-31T18:34:31+00:00Rahman Rahmanrahmanrajaali@gmail.comEva Susan Ratuluhainevasusanratuluhain@gmail.comFahrul Rozy Fakaubunfahrul@gmail.comImanuel Villian Trayanta<p>Mangrove ecosystems play a significant role in carbon absorption. However, the accumulation of organic matter in mangrove sediments undergoes decomposition, which triggers the release of CO2 gas flux. This study aimed to analyze the CO2 gas flux in mangrove sediments of Negeri Passo, Ambon City. Gas data collection was performed using cylinder canopies at the three observation stations. Gas was passed through the syringe five times with an interval of 30s. Gas concentration analysis was carried out using the gas chromatography method, while CO2 flux was analyzed with flux equations referring to slope regression, volume and area of the scope, temperature, molecular weight of the gas, ideal gas settings, and time constants based on gas intake intervals. The results showed that the average CO2 concentration in St. 1 was 465.14 ± 96.52 ppm, and was the lowest compared to St. 2 and St. 3 with values of 638.60 ± 90.05 ppm and 630.98 ± 54.09 ppm, respectively. Meanwhile, the average CO2 flux was 50.44 mg/m2/hour. The largest CO2 gas flux was observed at St. 2 at 103.69 mg/m2/hour. Meanwhile, the lowest flux was found at St. 3, which was 16.24 mg/m2/hour. Based on this, it can be concluded that] the mangrove ecosystem in Negeri Passo has a higher concentration of CO2 gas than the average concentration of climate change stabilization scenarios. However, the CO2 flux was lower than that at other locations in the Ambon Dalam Bay area. In addition, the potential for significant carbon sequestration based on the Tier 1 model approach indicated that mangrove ecosystems in this location play an important role in climate change mitigation.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rahman Rahman, Eva Susan Ratuluhain, Fahrul Rozy Fakaubun, Imanuel Villian Trayanta Soukotta squid product development (Case Study: PT. Cupa-Cupa Snack) Pangandaran Regency2024-10-31T18:34:30+00:00Junianto JuniantoJunianto@gmail.comVeronica Anggraenimela@gmail.comAndrean Alief<p>PT Cupa-Cupa Snack is a company in Pangandaran that processes fishery products into snack products, one of which is crispy squid. The number of crispy squid producers in Indonesia is a challenge for companies to develop products to produce innovations that suit market needs and maintain competitiveness. The purpose of this study was to analyze the product development carried out by the cupa-cupa snack company. The study was conducted from August to October 2024. The research method used was the survey method, with interview techniques and observations of crispy squid products that were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The results showed that the company has developed in various aspects, such as the addition of raw material suppliers from various regions, the use of faster and more modern production equipment and processes, changing the formulation of non-msg additives that are safe for consumption, using quality aluminum foil packaging, increasing flavor variants, and business-to-business marketing that maintains good and consistent digital presence techniques on various social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, to increase market share and company competitiveness.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Junianto Junianto, Veronica Veronica, Mella Anggraeni, Andrean Alief Musthopa and level of ectoparasite intensity in goldfish (Carassius auratus) at fishery product inspection and certification center fish seed center2024-10-31T18:34:31+00:00Nur Ikhsan Ma' Yoni Wirastutiaisyahyoniwirastuti@gmail.comMuhammad Agsa Sarayaagsaraya1928@gmail.comNasywa Nur Fauziyahnasywanur2107@gmail.comAndri<p>Diseases and parasites that attack the fish body are often encountered in ornamental fish cultivation, so they can reduce the quality of the fish and cause fish death. Ectoparasites are parasites found outside the fish body. This study aimed to determine the type and intensity level of ectoparasite distribution in goldfish (Carassius auratus) cultivated at the Fishery Product Inspection and Certification Production Center (PPISHP) Fish Seed Center (BBI) Ciganjur, South Jakarta. A location survey and random sampling from three different rearing ponds were used. The goldfish samples obtained were 60 fish from three ponds in BBI Ciganjur. The results showed that the highest level of intensity of the Argulus sp. parasite was found in pond 2, the highest level of intensity of the Trichodina sp. parasite was found in pool 1, and the highest level of Lernea sp. parasite intensity was found in pools 1 and 3. The average infection level of each parasite showed that the intensity was relatively low.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Ikhsan Ma'arif, Aisyah Yoni Wirastuti, Muhammad Agsa Saraya, Nasywa Nur Fauziyah, Andri Nofreeana