Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Hippocampus:</strong> (e-ISSN 2830-7968 and p-ISSN 2961-7138) was published in 2022 by the Center for Research and Community Service (P3M) of the Sambas State Polytechnic. This journal publishes community service results, especially in Agrocomplex (Fisheries and Marine, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Agriculture, Plantations, and Food) carried out by lecturers, students, other academic circles, and public parties. The purpose of this journal is to disseminate conceptual thinking ideas and ideas from community service activities in the field of agrocomplex and food both in the form of scope which includes counseling, training, socialization, entrepreneurship, education, and training, as well as community empowerment. It is published 2 times in June and December every year.</p> Dan Edukasi Pendidikan Tinggi Melalui Kegiatan Expo Campus Di MAN 01 Batang2025-02-18T12:24:09+00:00Choirunnisa Rahmanda<p class="8Abstractcontent" style="text-indent: 28.9pt; margin: 0cm -.05pt 12.0pt 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">The quality of human resources has an important role in encouraging development progress. Regions that have advanced development are usually reflected in one indicator of human development. Therefore, each region continues to compete to increase its HDI index in order to show the level of success of its regional development. The purpose of this article is to discuss the promotion and education of higher education through expo campus activities at MAN 01 Batang. This activity was motivated by the lack of HDI in Batang Regency. The interest of the people of Batang Regency in continuing higher education is still low. This can be seen from BPS statistical data that the HDI in Batang Regency in the 2020-2022 period is still 69-nan. This service method uses an educational promotion approach with a queuing system from class to class. The service team uses brochures, lectures, and also uses a projector screen in activities. To oversee the progress of the event, each student carries a control card so they are required to attend this event until the end. The results show that this activity is able to increase students' interest in continuing to higher education. At first they did not think about continuing to college after they finished school. However, after this activity they were motivated to continue their studies. In fact, they are optimistic that by attending college they will indirectly contribute to increasing the HDI in Batang Regency which is still low).</span></p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hippocampus Teknologi Mesin Pencacah Rumput untuk Kelompok At Taqwa Farm di Desa Sekura2025-02-18T12:23:31+00:00Feby Suhendraaka.suhendra@yahoo.comLeo Dedy<p><em>The partner in this program is the At Taqwa Farm group, Sekura Village. The focus of the At Taqwa Farm group is agriculture and animal husbandry. This group has been established since 2020, and has 55 goat farming. The main problem faced by partners is in the feeding process. So far, partners have provided food by taking grass or leaves with a scythe, then simply giving it to livestock. Based on the partner's problems, the service implementation team provided a solution in the form of applying technology using an animal feed chopper machine to the partners. The stages of service activities include chopping machine design, chopping machine manufacturing, chopping machine performance testing, training on operation and maintenance of chopping machines, as well as handing over chopping machines to partners. The grass chopper machine handed over to the partner can function well in chopping grass for animal feed. This really helps partners increase their grass chopping capacity, making the feed preparation process easier for partners.</em></p>2024-06-15T10:07:10+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hippocampus Gangguan Menstruasi Pada Remaja Di Kelas VII-A SMP 13 Padang 2025-02-18T12:23:49+00:00Hasanalita Hasanalitahasanalita.ana@gmail.comPutri Permatasariputripermatasari1707@gmail.comEpi<p><em>The highest incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the world occurs in teenagers and young adults. In Indonesia, teenage girls experience vaginal discharge every year. Health education through lecture and discussion methods carried out by planning, implementing and evaluating activities. This community service activity was carried out in Class VII A-B of SMP Negeri 13 Padang for 30 young women. The form of activity is providing health education through lecture and discussion methods, in the form of material about menstruation with the help of power point slides, distributing leaflets, and videos of the physiology of menstruation in women. The material provided is providing information about the concept of menstruation, menstrual phases, menstrual disorders, and efforts to maintain reproductive hygiene during menstruation. Then, after delivering the material, a discussion session continues, where students are asked to ask questions and respond to them in order to find out their understanding of the material provided. There was an increase in female students' knowledge before and after receiving menstrual education materials.</em></p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hippocampus Pemberdayaan Wanita Di Kampung Tematik Lubuk Buaya Kota Padang 2025-02-18T12:23:12+00:00Novi Maya Diba<p><em>Coverage of family planning participants in the Lubuk Buaya Community Health Center working area which consists of four sub-districts, namely Parupuk Tabing, Lubuk Buaya, Pasie Nan Tigo and Ganting is 12.9%. Meanwhile, coverage of new family planning participants was 50.4%. Meanwhile, the lowest achievement rate for family planning participants was found in the Pasie Nan Tigo sub-district. Apart from that, it can be seen from the socio-economic status of the people in the Pasie Nan Tigo sub-district which is on the coast. Objective: This community service is to provide education about the importance of family planning, so that reproductive mothers or women of childbearing age will be more concerned about their reproductive health. The results of the program were implemented smoothly, and the enthusiasm of the participants (mothers and cadres) was high. This can provide support for government programs in efforts to increase mothers' awareness and knowledge about the importance of family planning. Evaluation of the lack of awareness of couples of childbearing age regarding family planning is caused by the mother's lack of knowledge. Conclusion: Through this socialization, mothers and cadres can gain useful knowledge about the importance of family planning</em></p>2024-06-15T19:11:45+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hippocampus